I really like this. You BOTH have some talent here and it shines!
I really like this. You BOTH have some talent here and it shines!
needs more bass
the guitar work is fine, I really like the feel of it. but the drummers kick pedal needs to be "bassier", lol. I want my heart pounding when I hear that double bass not think of it as a snare hit. Good music though.
4/5 - 8/10
Thank you and about the drums, I'm not trying to say it is this... But it might be your speakers. They sound bassy on mine and in the car. Plus you don't want too much bass or reverb in songs otherwise it drowns out the guitar and synth work.
Not bad
If this is your first attempt, I think you did a pretty decent job. A pretty solid beat with some cool effects in the background = awesome in my eyes. I really liked the breakdown at the :43 mark. 4/5 and 9/10
thanks a lot thats actually my favorite part too haha
very good job!
excellent job on this. You really captured the feel to the Zelda games. I commend you for that.
This was a really cool track to listen to. I couldn't pick it apart or think of anything that might need improvement. Overall, this is a really cool style.
Thanks alot! :D glad you liked it :)
great work!
The name fits it so well. Very well done man. Very relaxing yet intriguing at the same time. The song is simple but just enough to keep you interested. No complaints from me. 5/5 10/10
Thanks man glad you liked it
pretty basic...
but nice to listen to. A little slow start, but finished nicely.
Thanks ^^ Lately I am trying to do simple stuff, coz usually I overproduce, and then it stays little annoying :D
By the way, I forget to put a name,lol O.x
cyo around
great song
Well mixed, well written and completely badass. I may have came to the AP a little late to recognize your previous work, but I'm hooked now. I do understand the frustration though. As musicians, we thrive off feedback (good or bad) and when we don't get that, it becomes a desperate time. Let me know what your myspace page is or will be. Good job!
myspace. com / deathkllr84 no spaces
BAD-ASS dude! Great mix of genre's. You really did a fantastic job on this. 5/5 10/10
Thanks, man! This makes me happy! In a totally...brutal way, of course. ;)
no other words can justify what I want to say about this song. Great work!
Glad you liked it!
Solo recording artist from Baltimore, MD.
Far From Sundown. Please shoot me a follow if you enjoy what you hear, I always try to follow back and return the support!
Project Manager
Joined on 12/18/09