Solo recording artist from Baltimore, MD.
Far From Sundown. Please shoot me a follow if you enjoy what you hear, I always try to follow back and return the support!

Mike @FarFromSundown


Project Manager


Joined on 12/18/09

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FarFromSundown's News

Posted by FarFromSundown - June 1st, 2024

Instrumental version of @Burn7 and I collab on Paradigm is up now here. Will be out on all streaming services on June 7th.



Posted by FarFromSundown - May 5th, 2024

May 15th!

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I am releasing my first album "As A Phoenix We Rise" on all streaming platforms. Very excited to share this small collection of songs that hold a place in my heart in hopes it will connect with others that are on a similar journey or having struggles that it may inspire them to overcome.

Always know you're not alone.

Dial or text 988 if you're experiencing moments and need help.




Posted by FarFromSundown - February 15th, 2024



Posted by FarFromSundown - February 13th, 2024

I posted the teaser here, but the final version of Crusde will be out on all Spotify tomorrow and should be on all other platforms shortly after. I'll eventually post it up here on newgrounds as well of course. I also plan on doing an extended version in the future. I'm really happy with how this one turned out. Even though it won't be an official part of the album release, I wanted to put something new, different and heavy out to see if anyone is even listening, lol.

hope you enjoy!




Posted by FarFromSundown - December 29th, 2023

I have a lot of stuff planned for next year, but unfortunately no real solid time frame any of it. The album release was planned for streaming services this May and I had a couple singles to put out to (hopefully) build some anticipation for the full album. Sadly, all that kinda changed. A week before Christmas my mother passed from her 4 year long battle of ovarion cancer. It didn't come out of nowhere tho, so I've had time to prepare myself for this loss, although it still sucks.

But that does mean I have a lot of things to take care of before I can really continue with music. I'll be slowly releasing what new music I have recorded (roughly 4 or 5 things) in the mean time, but hope anyone who was looking forward to the album will be understanding and patent. I'll have the first track out on the 1st of the year.

Thank you!


Posted by FarFromSundown - December 14th, 2023

Tomorrow, December 15th, my first single off the album "As A Phoenix We Rise", will be available on streaming platforms!

I hope you'll all check it out, enjoy it and possibly follow my artist account? :)

I'm currently working on finalizing the entire album for a release early next year.

Although due to family issues, it might be delayed.

If you check it out, I would love you forever if you left me some love (or criticism) as a comment here, lol.





Posted by FarFromSundown - November 30th, 2023

After some hesitation and rethinking and a push of encouragement from @ADR3-N I decided to work on getting my music ready for streaming platforms such as Spotify, Youtube Music, Apple Music, etc. I've released only an instrumental single as a 'test run' while I set everything up, but plan on fully releasing a deluxe version of my album "As A Phoenix We Rise' sometime early next year. Starting with a remastered version of "Buried (From Inside) as a single. I hope you'll take the time to follow me and check out some of my music as they come out!

I'm hoping to release a couple 'streaming exclusives' although everything will always be on NG eventually. I really want to thank @ADR3-N for encouraging me to reconsider publishing everything to Spotify.


YouTube Music

(still working on getting claimed on apple music. Having some trouble since I'm no longer an apple user, verifying everything is a pain in the ass)

EDIT: the very first single is scheduled to release on December 15th! Hope you all like it!




Posted by FarFromSundown - October 28th, 2023

Alright, I couldn’t stay away. I should have known better, lol. Time to set up my first ‘teaser’ for my EP I have planned to released sometime next year. I was debating about what direction to go in after the album, and I think I found it. I’m revisiting a couple select tracks I wrote back between 2007-2013 and re-writing them to have a little more modern edge to it, while keeping the vibe from that era. Simpler times, haha.

I have a couple already fully recorded, 1 just needs vocals and I have another selected I want to redo as the new years starts.

Really excited to have some new stuff coming up and I'm really proud of how they've been turning out. So I can't wait to share it with everyone.

First instrumental is out here.

Thanks to everyone who has listened!!



Posted by FarFromSundown - September 9th, 2023

After releasing my album a couple months back, it brought to fruition about 2 years of constant work. I wanted to take a little hiatus to recharge the creative batteries.

In typical 'me' fashion, that didn't last long, as I'm always trying to be creative. However, I wanted to revisit some older stuff I've written over the years. I have lyrics folders dating back to 2005, roughly 250+ songs. Some I'm proud of, some were just a couple stanzas that helped me vent through some of life's struggles.

I've been reworking a couple songs and bringing a more modern edge to it. (2007-2010 me wasn't quite into the heavy stuff I'm into now, just yet lol). Really excited about some of the stuff I'm doing and will hopefully be sharing of it with you guys early next year. Possibly later this year, if I find myself being impatient ;)

In the meantime, really enjoying hearing everyone's submissions in the contests that are currently running! I'm always in the background, lurking.




Posted by FarFromSundown - April 24th, 2023

It's been a long time coming, but finally my good friend and former bandmate has joined newgrounds. I was able to go and credit him on some existing projects that he's helped out on, and he's got a feature on a song of mine on my upcoming album, but has PLENTY of his own original content that I hope he'll be putting up on here, so give him a follow! Extremely talented vocalist, guitarist, keyboardist, songwriter.

