Solo recording artist from Baltimore, MD.
Far From Sundown. Please shoot me a follow if you enjoy what you hear, I always try to follow back and return the support!

Mike @FarFromSundown


Project Manager


Joined on 12/18/09

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Life Update TL;DR - I'm still around

Posted by FarFromSundown - 1 month ago

Figured I'd drop an update since I feel like I've been MIA for longer than usual. It's just been a really crazy year. Lost my mom, bought my first house, then lost my grandmother all within 4 months of each other. Just had to put down my dog of almost 17 years yesterday and the last couple months has been crazy busy trying to help navigate the health issues. I've been faced with a new kind of alone in a way. I've always had a parent, or roommate or pet or SOMETHING around at least some of the time. Now the house seems hollow. So adapting to that now. Needless to say, there's been a lot to keep me away, but I'm still around...listening to all your stuff. Albeit in the dark, lol. I did just drop a new song just now and have a collab in the works with @ADR3-N tho that will likely be out later. So this might be the last submission I drop for the foreseeable future.

I think I've been going pretty hard for the last 2 or 3 years and am overdue for a break. I do still need to condition my new studio set up for vocal recording, as I really want to do vocals for the song I did with @Burn7. Just need a moment to get it done.

New Song Here



That's a rough run, so much loss, something we try our hardest in modern society to ignore. I try to call my own mom as often as I can now, knowing she won't always be here. And I wish I had done the same with dad. He was the first big loss I really had in life, and I'm not looking forward to losing mom.

All that to say, it just really, really sucks. And I hope you're holding together, well, as best as anyone can. You may find that composing in these times brings a sense of purpose, or you may feel like doing something else with your time. Whatever gives you peace, or even just distraction with a side of accomplishment, do that, and lean on what friends you have as much as you can

Thank you. Been working on getting back to taking more time for myself. Hopefully my mom's estate will finally be settled by the end of this year and that will be a HUGE stress lifted. Been dragging out since last Christmas so it's a looming weight for almost a year.

Sometimes life just keeps hitting us without giving a break... My condolences for everything you faced in this short span of time

Thank you ❤️

You've got this dude. Adapting to changing circumstances and sudden loss is brutal, heartbreaking and unfair.

Give yourself whatever time you need for however long that is.

It's hard... But you're harder.

Thanks dude, I appreciate it. Congrats on the marriage btw!

I haven't forgotten about the vocals on our collab btw. Still planning on getting it done just have a couple things to take care of that are dragging out unfortunately.