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Recent Movie Reviews

117 Movie Reviews

Awesome work to everyone involved!

excellent job

Recent Game Reviews

33 Game Reviews


Very simple, but fun and addictive game. Awesome job! The music itself is very catchy lol.


pretty cool concept

I like this game alot. It's simple and addictive. Very creative game at that.


pretty cool idea

pretty cool game. I like it. Unique storyline, too.

Recent Audio Reviews

529 Audio Reviews

Alright, this is low key a banger, lol. I really enjoyed the lyrics, too. I think they're done rather creatively. I'm not a huge fan of a repetitive drum beat throughout most of a song, but I found myself more focused on the words/vocal cadence to be bothered by it (and really that's just a personal preference if anything). Love it

ADR3-N responds:

Thank you! You're right about the beat being simplistic. The vocals were the initial inspiration, the structural basis and the focus of the song, so I tried to keep things pop-EDM not to distract from them. Without the vox as a starter, this song would not exist

Also, if you ever want to turn your voice into a bass, I still have that riddim bass voice model I used throughout. The only thing I used for this track was vocal AI, chopped samples in melodyne, Vital, and my own 808s. I think there might be one or two midi lines for said 808 and a lead synth. The rest is retooled and reharmed cut loops/samples for texture.

Overall, really enjoyed this interview. A couple odd spots but for 4 hours of content, you can't really expect a 100% all the time, haha. I feel like I learned alot about everyone involved.

To answer your question @Aalasteir the account that first inspired me to do all the audio production myself was Wahhsin (i'm probably spelling that incorrectly). I don't think that his original account exists anymore, but I loved his work.

ADR3-N responds:

You'll have to send me some of Wahhsin's stuff!

I was concerned after 4 hours plus of talking that we would go completely off the rails, and ofc we did. But I think in the end it's pretty interesting, at least to the types of folks I'd get along with and have something to offer anyway. Like autistic folks, other creative, and people who like internet oddities, or 90s kids. I put podcasts on while I'm doing chores or walking so it's the kind of thing I'd be down to listen to and that's enough for me!

It also made me think maybe I should do a podcast, since I clearly love to talk lol

maan, you've come a long way from just the short 1 instrument pieces I remember. This is great. soothing, paints a picture (even without the piece used for inspiration) and creates a great zen-like atmosphere. well done!

Recent Art Reviews

61 Art Reviews

This brings me back to my MTG playing days. Love the simplistic, yet creatively driven artwork and color scheme here. Really well done, I can definitely see this on a WoTC card ;)

JimmyNijs responds:

Thank you so very much!

It's my dream to one day be featured on a Magic The Gathering card. I think that'll be the moment I'll truly begin thinking of myself as a genuine artist. 🥰😂

This is awesome 😍

i might be biased because I love dogs, but it's adorable. Also for album art, I've always had good luck with Fiverr. That's where I got my album art for 'As A Phoenix We Rise' and I couldn't be happier with it. In case all else fails. Looking forward to the releases!

ADR3-N responds:

Who doesn't love dogs, right? I managed to get ahold of a couple peeps over at the art forum so I'm excited to see what comes up. I'll show you when I get time!

New release is out on YT, gonna make an announcement and chill. Also I just realized I listened to your demos and lost the note file I wrote shutting down my computer. Gonna send those to you soon!

Solo recording artist from Baltimore, MD.
Far From Sundown. Please shoot me a follow if you enjoy what you hear, I always try to follow back and return the support!

Mike @FarFromSundown


Project Manager


Joined on 12/18/09

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2y 5m