nice tune
pretty cool tune man. I like it :)
nice tune
pretty cool tune man. I like it :)
Super rad :D
great voice
She kinda reminds me of Lizzy Hale from Halestorm. Which in my opinion is a very VERY good thing. The music itself could use a bit of work, but it's not too shabby. Good job
Thank you very much for your feedback:) I did not know this singer:) will check it out:D thank you :D
very impressed
I am very impressed with your work here. You have a real talent and a good concept of music collaboration. I commend you sir. Great job
Hey thanx Munkey! I try dude. I really try hard.
Everybody's out there trying to make a dollar off of every one of their songs. It's people like you I do this for.
Keep up with us on FB for new song releases and stuff.
Amazing job!
Nothing short of amazing my friend. Keep it up!
thanks bipolarmunkey hahaha
cool song
everything about this song is well...perfect. Nice blend of instruments and you chose the right points (in my opinion) to cut off the drums and when to come back in. Adds great atmosphere and emotion to the song. I could see this being in a movie or something. Good job
Thank you, glad I got those things right =p Thanks for the review!
I could make love to this music
Very cool song man :)
very epic
I can see this in a Final Fantasy opening scene for some reason. Great job!
Interesting, maybe a tad like Liberi Fatali? Thanks for checking this out.
Solo recording artist from Baltimore, MD.
Far From Sundown. Please shoot me a follow if you enjoy what you hear, I always try to follow back and return the support!
Project Manager
Joined on 12/18/09