Fantastic! Great Quality and great musicianship!
Fantastic! Great Quality and great musicianship!
thank you for listening
Musically I think this is really cool. I feel like it could be mastered a bit better. But overall, sounds really cool. A little slower paced in some spots, but I'm guessing that's intentional. Great work!
Thank you so much for the feedback!
My mastering abilities have long way to go. Its only something I have recently been intentional about learning and practicing. This song really put the need for mastering in perspective. It just screams the need for great dynamics, but I was unable to pull off what I was hearing in my head.
You are right, the slower parts are intentional. I wanted this dichotomy between the screaming loud part, and the broken sounding quiet parts. Although the tempo was actually consistent throughout, it does sound like there is a slight change.
Thanks again for the feedback! :D
Love this! Very catchy and really cool/fun vibe to it. Nice work! Is this a full band you’re in or some solo stuff you’re doing with friends?
Thanks for listening! This is mostly a solo project of mine. I'm not in a band or anything like that. If you're interesting in knowing the full story behind the making of this album, I have a video on Youtube explaining it. It's mostly just me talking at the camera, so fair warning, it might not be the most entertaining video, but if you're interested, feel free to check it out. Thanks!
Sick man! Long song but it keeps me into it enough to make it through, so well done! Very nice intro which jumps into some brutal riffs and great shreddage! My only issue is the clean vocals. They’re not bad they just seem a little out of balance in my opinion. Not knocking any ‘points’ off for my opinion tho. Overall, very well done! Love the acoustic breakdown too by the way!
Thanks for sitting through the song and thanks for the feedback! I'm planning on doing a mostly metal album somewhere down the line and I might skip out on the female vocals for that one. We'll see what happens! Thanks again for listening!
Pretty cool, I like the idea of where this is headed...would love to see a better quality submission of this with some other elements in it to bring it to life!
Sorry for taking so long to reply, school was starting and I was reconnecting with friends. The goal of this piece wasn't to stand alone or really stand at all. It was mostly a test to see what I could pump out on a moment's notice, and I was hoping for exactly what you said: the core tune and theme holding up. I'm definitely planning on an actual song with this tune. Thanks for the review.
I think this has some potential, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think what it lacks is a climactic part in the song? The mix is good and well done but that’s just my two cents. Overall well done :)
Thank you very much for your view!
My old works really had a very big problem with the ending. Now this problem is already solved in new tracks (I think so) xD
Not bad at all. I like it! enjoy the new program! I just got FL Studios 20 myself so i understand the amazement of having a program do so much! Looking forward to more!
I jumped from reason 5 to 10 it's awsome upgrade and tons of new possibilities, and I'm very excited :) I'm glad that you liked my little project stay tuned for more :)
Omg, what beautiful vocals!! Is that you? Beautiful song!
Yes, the vocals are mine. Glad you enjoyed it, thank you! 💖
Not bad. I definitely would like to see a mastered version of this. loving the acoustic and the backing tracks. Please finish this! :D
I promise I will now since you wanted it haha
Pretty solid work! Love the vibe to it
Solo recording artist from Baltimore, MD.
Far From Sundown. Please shoot me a follow if you enjoy what you hear, I always try to follow back and return the support!
Project Manager
Joined on 12/18/09